Friday, January 4, 2013

Mrs. Rabbit and the prince

2013 started quite well. I post two new drawings I like as they are. And as I like them as they are I hesitate to do more on them or even colour them. I rather have the feeling to want to do another drawing and another and another. I know that people expect me to do a story or animation or book, but I love to keep my drawings as little daily or momentnotes.

drawings on this post: private


uschiiscooking said...

I have no idea who this wonderful prince is or that painting rabbitwoman and if they have any connection to each other? Perhaps one day they will meat? Or that old rabbitlady is painting a secret message on the egg and the prince will find it....some day....

uschiiscooking said...

I am feeling a bit like Mr. Bean, who is talking to his little bear before felling asleep or doing as if his little bear is preparing a surprise for him. Never mind!

uschiiscooking said...

Interesting - it is 18:19 o'clock right now. Even if google is saying it would be 9:19. Ok. Not so important.